""The private sector needs to know that money can be made in affordable housing,' said Ziman Center Executive Director Tim Kawahara in a statement. “If the only housing starts are luxury, there will never be enough affordable housing. This crisis cuts into the urban workforce if people can’t afford to live where they work, threatening our region’s economic viability.'
"The program, called the Howard and Irene Levine Affordable Housing Development Program, started in the fall. Roughly 140 people applied for 24 spaces. The class size has increased to 30 students. A call for applicants went out at the end of February.
"'We know of no other major research university that’s taken on this societal challenge in this way,” Stuart Gabriel, the Ziman Center’s director, said in a statement. 'We will grade ourselves on how successful we are in getting graduates of this training to develop affordable housing.'"
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