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    Oct 15, 2010


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    Um...like the style of your writing.*_*

    Engineers typically have less managerial experience than applicants from other industries. Engineers typically don’t have the high accelerating career paths that other candidates may benefit from. Let’s explore these in a little more detail and how an applicant can mitigate against these stereotypes.

    If you can show that you can lead a group of individuals without a formal supervisor role that will squash any doubts as to your leadership potential.

    "Probably the worst investment I did was f*ckin' with R. Kelly," Baby said in a February 2010 interview. "That was a waste of my time. I could've made money if I wasn't f*ckin' with that clown-a** n*gga."

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    The tips you give on everything is great, I read the whole article intently which is a big deal, normally I get side tracked and head over to facebook or twitter, haha :)

    this is essentially a problem for we Engineers.The nature of the jobs are such that very little managerial aspects are required till one reaches a certain level in the hierarchy of the organization.
    Good thoughts indeed.

    Read the article, very touching.

    In case you didn’t know, I am majoring in engineering. This means that when I meet people they automatically stereotype me and place me in a box.

    Engineers typically don’t have the high accelerating career paths that other candidates may benefit from.

    Read the article, very touching.

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    To reduce negative learning, the teacher must become "one" with their students, to give them empathy, to feel what they feel.

    To whom students, you are running these Programs and what is the qualification requirement for it?

    I want to make my career as a engineer. Your information is so helpful for me.

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