About UCLA Anderson Global Supply Chain Blog
This blog is developed by the Decisions Operations and Technology Management (DOTM) Faculty at the UCLA Anderson School as well as special guests. It is intended to report, analyze, and comment on events that relate to current Global Supply Chain Management issues. Each blog is presented in English, (Simplified) Chinese, and (Castilian) Spanish, and it can take one of the following formats:
(a) An Interview -- the author formulates questions about a current issue, and the interviewee provides commentary.
(b) An insight -- the author provides insights concerning global supply chains, including current events.
(c) An analytical piece -- the author analyzes a particular supply chain issue and formulates descriptive and/or prescriptive views.
For more information on the blog contributors, check the DOTM website.
entrevista a cargo de Christopher Tang en Hong Kong 1 de septiembre de 2012
Mientras EE. UU. y Europa están peleando por estimular sus economías anémicas, parece que la economía de China está también desacelerándose. Mientras me pregunto sobre la respuesta del gobierno chino y de los fabricantes chinos y de cómo su respuesta afectaría a las firmas occidentales, entrevisté a Edwin Keh en Hong Kong para saber más sobre cuál es su percepción sobre este tema.
interview conducted by Christopher Tang in Hong Kong September 1, 2012
As the United States and Europe are struggling to stimulate their
anemic economies, it appears China's economy is also slowing down. As I wondered
about how the responses from the Chinese government and Chinese manufacturers
would affect western firms, I interviewed Edwin Keh in Hong Kong to learn of
his insights on this matter.
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