I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday season.
Congrats to the FEMBA class of 2017 admits!
Here's a list of things I found useful doing as I prepared to start school last fall:
- Make time to see friends and family - once school starts, you'll start to realize how limited your free time is
- Talk to your employer - given your schedule is flexible enough, there will be a lot of events that happen during during work hours that you might want to attend (such as the Dean's Distinguished Speaker Series). Just keeping an open dialogue between you and your boss, clients, team, etc will be really helpful in getting time from work to do these things
- Go to happy hours and try to meet as many of your classmates before the quarter starts. You can also meet upper classmen and get their advice and perspective on what to expect
- Facebook and/or other social media - a lot of events are organized over Facebook and you can start networking with your classmates and alumni on Linkedin.
- Brush up on schoolwork - the first quarter will be a pretty big adjustment for many of you so it may be helpful to do some quantitative review before your first quarter (you'll be taking statistics and organizational behavior). This will also help put you in the right mind
- Make time to exercise regularly - you'll be glad that you did because it really helps keep your energy up, especially if you have class until late on Tuesdays and Thursdays
I know some (or maybe all) of this list can seem intimidating, but don't worry. FEMBA will be a great experience no matter what. You'll work hard, make friends, and have a lot of fun!
As always, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
happy new years too http://www.ahlirambut.com my your 2014 will be great years
Posted by: Yaseenfarago | 01/25/2014 at 04:39 AM
Its nearley Feb and I am still celebrating New Year aha Happy New Year!
Posted by: I_Wallpaperz | 01/27/2014 at 07:40 PM
Yeah it was surely an amazing happy new year!
Posted by: plus.google.com/114298320262869053185 | 01/31/2014 at 12:48 AM