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Posted at 03:22 PM | Permalink
The first month of school has really flown by, but the experience has been so intense that I can barely remember what life before FEMBA was like (except that I had more time to sleep).
First quarter core classes are stat and OB. It’s been a really long time since I’ve had to attend lectures so switching into school mode after being away for so long was challenging to say to the least. There was (and still is) quite a bit of homework and reading so it took a few weeks for me to figure out the best way to prioritize my tasks and manage my time. Before the quarter started, I talked to all my friends who had already taken stats and nearly all of them said that it is one of the more difficult classes. I went in knowing I’d probably need to put in a lot of time to keep up with the material. I dedicated 75% of my study time working on stats and 25% on OB. After week 3, I realized that I needed to reallocate my study time so that I could spend more time on OB. I still do spend more time working on stat (since it is more of a challenge for me) but now it’s probably closer to 60% stat and 40% OB.
Now that I’m in the second half of the fall quarter, I’ve realized that I’ve gotten a lot more efficient and effective with the time I spend studying. The first half, I felt like I only had time for work, class, and studying. Now, I feel like I have a bit more free time for non-school related things. Making to-do lists has helped me keep track of the things I need to get done and when and entering all my appointments in the calendar on my phone so I don’t double myself for events (which has happened a few times this quarter).
The #1 question I get from my non-FEMBA friends is some variation of “how do you stay awake in class?” Like everything else, some nights are more draining than others and of course caffeine definitely helps (coffee, tea, and other refreshments are provided!) but I’ve found that lectures and discussions have been engaging. For me, class has been refreshing change from the day-to-day work grind.
Highlights: Professor Unzueta’s lectures, Leadership Foundations, happy hours, and Halloween party.
I’m really enjoying being a FEMBA and look forward to sharing my experiences with you as I work my way through my first year.
Posted at 06:10 PM in 1st year | Permalink | Comments (46)
Hi and welcome! We are 3 current Anderson FEMBA students, representing each of the various schedules available to students (Tuesday/Thursdays, Saturdays and Flex).
As a team we have committed to keep the content on this blog fresh, meaning doing our best to have regular updates on a weekly basis.
So we wanted to use this first blog to introduce ourselves, we've also included our emails/linkedin, so if you have any questions, want to grab coffee or just would like to chat feel free to connect with us!
Sr. Producer/Product Manager - Activision Blizzard
Santa Monica, CA
If I had to choose one, I would say that it is definitely the people I have met since starting the program. Before starting b-school I had an idea of what I thought the typical MBA student would be like (finance, consulting, suit and tie, all type A). However since starting Anderson, I couldn’t be more wrong! I’ve met so many different people who are not only at the top of their fields, but are also friendly, willing to help and challenge my own ideas and perceptions. It’s a great feeling to know that we’re all here to better ourselves by taking on this large endeavor together.
Regardless of where you are at in the admissions cycle (just starting research on schools, actively applying, waiting to hear back, etc…) it is always a good thing to consider what your personal story is. Namely, “Why do I want to get my MBA?”, “Where do I want it to take me?”, “Why is the Anderson part time program the best fit for me?” Not only is important for you to know internally the answers to these questions, but also to be able to communicate it to others as well. No one is asking you to have all the answers, but we want to get to know you and what you bring to the table. Who knows, your next best connection could be one conversation away…
Anything related to the Golden State Warriors, 49ers, or SF Giants (can you tell where I’m from?). Also love walking with my wife and dog, talking technology trends/innovations, playing hoops and finding the best food around.
Manager - 21st Century Fox
Downtown Los Angeles
I get fewer hours of sleep but am so much more efficient with my waking hours. I'm also surprised that I look forward to going to lecture (on most) Tuesdays and Thursdays. It's a nice change to get your brain to shift gears and think about big picture stuff.
Travel, food (eating not cooking), and spending time with family, friends, and my dog
IT Customer Engagement Lead - IBM
Houston, TX!
24 hours used to be a lot of time before school started. Not anymore. The fun part is that there is always something to do – assignments, quizzes, learning groups and so on. I used to waste a lot of time doing non-productive stuff but this schedule has just forced me to be super efficient. You just become better at multi-tasking and quick decision making.
Come visit the school campus and the various open houses and other admissions events. Enjoy the admissions process and give your best shot to the essays and let your personality shine through. Talk to current students at events, talk to us and ask anything you want to know. Once admitted, you might need to give up your favorite TV show or hobby for a while but it will be worth it because this journey will be rewarding. Open up and socialize/network with everyone around you – at school, work or in day-to-day life. Lastly, be ready to gain a few pounds and attend a million happy hours. Don't cancel that gym membership! Good luck!
Hiking, traveling, pig out at food trucks and restaurants, sports, current affairs and anything to do with 'Breaking Bad' and 'House of Cards'
Posted at 02:47 PM | Permalink | Comments (16)