Dave Woodward ('15) is a veteran of two prior part time graduate programs. As a result, he knew well the commitment UCLA Anderson's Global Executive MBA Asia Pacific program would take (the program offers a dual MBA with the National University of Singapore). He dove in anyway and is already seeing the benefits. In a recent piece for the Financial Times, Woodward wrote:
It is early days, but I have noticed a difference in my approach to work. I am viewing my clients’ issues more holistically, offering legal advice in a more informed business context. And I am finally able to distinguish a cashflow statement from an income statement.
He added:
Ironically, the characteristic of an EMBA I had not consciously sought but am realising is perhaps the most valuable is the calibre and diversity of classmates. Our intake of roughly 40 students includes chief executives, venture capitalists, a US Navy helicopter pilot, lawyers, engineers, a physician, software programmers, diplomats, finance professionals, human resources professionals and entrepreneurs. They come from a wide range of industries – from high tech to auto parts – and hail from all over the world. Their eclectic profile encourages fertile discussions, with perspectives vastly different from my own. I know I will learn as much about business from them as from the professors.