Professor Christopher Tang, Distinguished Professor in Decisions, Operations and Technology Management and Edward W. Carter Chair in Business Administration, has been named editor-in-chief of Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. M&SOM is the premier journal for the operations management research community. This quarterly journal publishes a wide range of research that focuses on the production and operations management of goods and services, including technology management, productivity and quality management, product development, cross-functional coordination, and practice-based research. Tang replaces MIT Professor Steve Graves, whose second term ends at the end of the year.
The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences committee, who recommended Tang for this position, determined that he met all of their criteria. Those ranged from maintaining a high intellectual stature and reputation in the field and having previous senior experience at M&SOM and other related journals to exhibiting the capability to administer the journal, communicate with its stakeholders and effectively maintain the program’s strengths.
According to the INFORMS committee, “We were also impressed with his statement to the committee which included his ideas for maintaining and improving the performance and quality of the journal while increasing its recognition in both the academic and business communities, as well as its attractiveness as a publication destination."
The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences committee, who recommended Tang for this position, determined that he met all of their criteria.
Posted by: Valerie | 08/07/2014 at 01:11 PM