For the RxCUE team, the path to the Knapp finals has meant a continual process of improvement, using all the tools at their disposal. “Anderson has helped us through every step of our entrepreneurial journey, such as refining our concept and business plan in Business Plan Development class, as well as helping us understand the market and industry through the structured BCO primary research process,” says RxCUE Co-founder Srikanth Sridhar. The team has also benefited from one-on-one advising sessions from professors and classmates.
RxCUE is a digital platform for the efficient delivery of drug coupons from pharmaceutical companies to doctors, decreasing the out-of-pocket cost for patients, according to the team. The team’s pitch is that, through their scaleable platform, drug manufacturers can reach a much larger number of doctors in a more efficient and timely manner.
So far, that pitch, along with all of their hard work, seems to be paying off—they won the EA Fast Pitch Competition at the 29th Annual Entrepreneurial Association Conference on May 9. That win amounts to another great bit of feedback the team has received, helping to fill in gaps in their business as they prepare for Thursday’s test. “It's often easy to get emotionally attached to your idea or product and end up assuming that it's bullet-proof,” says Sridhar. “We wanted to put ourselves through the Knapp competition's structured and rigorous selection and elimination process in order to challenge ourselves.”
Winning the Knapp competition would validate their product offering, business model and value proposition, but it would also mean something larger. “It would give us the confidence to put ourselves in front of investors in the near future,” Sridhar says. “A win would also be very humbling because of all of the mentoring and support we have received from classmates and professors at Anderson.”
For more Knapp information, head to their Anderson page or their homepage.