(Mike Hirshman, left, with Zubin Davar ('15), managing editor of The Exchange. Photo by Aaron Schasse.)
UCLA Anderson first-year student Mike Hirshman ('15) was elected president of UCLA's Graduate Student Association. The GSA represents all of the graduate students on the UCLA campus, including those at the professional schools. Hirshman's selection came in the first contested election since 2011. It's believed he is the first UCLA Anderson student to lead the association since Nurit Katz ('08), who is currently the campuses Chief Sustainability Officer. The Daily Bruin provided coverage:
GSA unanimously approved this year’s election results. Mike Hirshman, a UCLA Anderson School of Management student, was elected president with a vote of 963-510. Andrés Schneider, a member of the Moving Forward slate and a former GSA discretionary funding director, was elected vice president of external affairs with a vote of 922-450. Hope McCoy, the current GSA vice president of external affairs, and Ivy Onyeader, a psychology student, both ran uncontested. McCoy was elected GSA vice president of internal affairs, and Onyeader was elected vice president of academic affairs.
Hirshman is currently editor of The Exchange, UCLA Anderson's student newspaper, which he resurrected after a several year hiatus.
The UCLA Anderson Blog spoke to Mike yesterday.
Why did you decide to run for GSA president?
I've always been interested in campus life and was involved in a number of UCSD committees when I was an undergraduate. I thought I was uniquely positioned to get involved as an Anderson student, given mye experience with the UC system. I also love the arts and other areas of study on campus and this gives me purview into those endeavors.
What are your goals as GSA president?
There are a lot of resources on campus and the more we can do to bring together the commuity the better. We're lucky to have so many top scholars and the more we can to get together and know each other the more we can get done. For example, I want to put entrepreneurs at Anderson together with law students, not only to socialize, but also to start companies together.
All of us appreciate that the success of our programs is linked to the success of a great university.