The Daily Bruin has a story up regarding the partnership between TED and UCLA Anderson. The piece, written by the DB's Ani Torossian, details the relationship between the two, idea-generating organizations. Here's an excerpt:
In the past, UCLA has hosted one-day events, such as TEDx, for the Los Angeles community. Now TED will return to UCLA to launch what is informally known as the “TED Takeover.” As part of the long-term collaboration, the Anderson community will now get the chance to hear and to discuss various 18-minute lectures conducted by what the TED2012 program lists as statistics whizzes, peace activists, surgeons and economists.
While the partnership will provide a sturdy transitional bridge between higher education and potential future career opportunities for Anderson students, Russell Altenburg, a management graduate student, stressed that the collaboration serves a broader purpose than mere networking.
TED-Anderson allows business students focused on tackling global issues such as poverty and the environmental footprint of human activity to apply what they learn through meaningful discussions that seek to facilitate action, Altenburg said.
“At Anderson, we want to connect ideas with tangible outcomes,” he added.
Check out Torossian's entire piece here.